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Eating Disorder Recovery

 8/3/21 I am so unbelievably tired of this. I wake up everyday hating who I am and despising what I do to me and my family. I have so much hatred for my eating disorder it is insane. I feel like I am going to end up killing myself because I just can't handle it anymore. I am struggling so bad. Recovery is so hard but I know it is going to be worth it. If anyone is reading this, I hope you know you are worth recovery and always will be. 
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Eating Disorder Recovery

 Good Morning This morning was rough. I was fighting with my mom about food again. I have a pool party today but I have scars all over my body. I feel disgusting. There is gonna be cookie cake and pizza and it is going to drive me insane. I have to be in a bathing suit anyways. My mom is obsessed with talking about me behind my back with other moms. Especially when I'm struggling. Its not like the other mom doesn't talk about their daughters issues to my mom either. I know way too much personal information of people that have mental issues, that I have never even met. School starts on August 10, I am in charge of all of my meals if I can keep my weight from dropping. Wish me luck.  -H

My Story

 My Story Hello, my name is Helen Rose. I have suffered from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa for 3 years now. It all started with a simple YouTube workout and a strive to lose weight, and it spiraled out of control and became an eating disorder. Last year I have been noticed by doctors and have found treatment. Last year in October 2020 was one of the worst years. I was purging every meal that I ate. I was refusing food. I was hiding food. I was lying to everyone I loved. I was tearing my entire family apart. I was forced to get help. My blood sugar was deathly low and I was passing out. I was killing myself. My mom would cry everyday begging me to eat. I was consumed. I was at a low weight when I am 5'7. I was restricting my calorie intake to a dangerously low level. I was taking handfuls of laxatives almost everyday. My hair was falling out in chunks. I was exercising almost everyday. I hated my body and had severe body dysmorphia. I was scared, scared of everything. I am 13